The Approach We Take to Training

Outplay, outperform, outfit:

There is a continuum that we all sit on; from being totally sedentary & suffering poor health to elite athlete who is physically thriving.  We all sit somewhere between those two endpoints; you may be totally sedentary with no health issues at all, just “unfit”.  Well done you, you are lucky enough not to be at the bottom.  Most elite athletes don’t sit at the very top either, as many train so hard  & in such a specialist way that when you look at their health & physicality generally; they are not thriving despite being elite performers. 

What’s the relevance?  Well, where you are on the continuum will define how you should approach your training just as much as what you want to achieve does.


For the vast majority of us, “exercise” isn’t enjoyable.  It’s another chore that we convince ourselves we need to be disciplined in doing to alleviate the guilt we feel around our diets, our body shapes, & a whole host of other issues.  The trouble is, just like every chore we pile into our already hectic lives that isn’t essential on the day to day; it falls by the wayside.  You fail, you feel more guilt & the cycle repeats until you give up.

If this sounds familiar to you, then this is your focus.  We need to help you find the play & the joy in celebrating what you can do physically.  There’s two parts to this process.  Firstly, rather than flog you to within an inch of your life, we will gently coax the body into a fitter state.  You won’t feel broken after each & every session in a way that leaves you suffering between sessions as well as in them!  You will actually start to feel really good & notice in your every day life that physical tasks are far easier than they were previously.  The second part we look at is finding physical recreation that you actually enjoy & want to do.  Something that will enrich your life rather than just deprive you of time & energy.  Once we crack that, you’ll actually enjoy your new found physicality & the activities it enables you to take part in for fun!  You’ll see continual progress & move further up that continuum to where your wants & needs might change & we adjust the training strategy accordingly.


At the upper end of the continuum, you are already physically active.  You don’t need us to help you with that.  You have a sport, a passion, a recreation and you want to get better at it.  This might take the form of working on specific aspects of your fitness or physical skillset, or it might be helping you to overcome persistent or niggling injuries.  Once you have this level of focus we are a guide that helps you solve any problems that stand in the way of you getting to where you want to go.  We can use fitness tests & movement/postural analysis to monitor, benchmark and therefore inform how to improve your performance or get you out of the cycle of repetitive/chronic injuries.  This is laser-focussed sport & exercise science interventions to get you from point A to point B as efficiently as possible.


That’s us.  That’s why I chose it as our brand.  Regardless of where you are on that continuum or what it is you want to achieve, we will guide you to being physically (and mentally) better than you were before.  You will be able to outplay, outperform and “outfit” your former self., & the competition, if that’s what you’re into!