
Weight Loss

Let’s face it; nowadays this is why most of us work out in the gym or start a diet.  With nearly two thirds of the population overweight & one third obese, you’re hardly alone.  Generally, gyms & diet clubs aren’t helping either.  We can work with you to create a customised plan for successful weight loss that’s sustainable & healthy whilst taking you on a journey that is enjoyable too!

General Health & Fitness

Whether you are just starting out or you’ve been working on it a for a while now; we can help you get fitter & healthier.  We can help you decide what really matters to you then create a plan that takes you there in the most efficient way possible.  Our plans are customised to your current health, fitness and movement abilities, to your likes and dislikes and to your own personal goals.

Sport Specific Training

You may be an elite athlete needing to focus on specific elements of your fitness or skill set, or you may be recreational & just wanting to have the capacity to enjoy the activities you love to the max.  As sport scientists, we have to tools to work with you to drill down to the exact needs that will dictate your training plan & then guide you through it to achieve your desired end point.

Exercise for Illness

Whether you come to us of your own accord or you have been referred by a health care professional, we can help you to feel better & improve your health. After an initial consultation to find out more about you & what your current situation is, we will guide you through a programme that will get you feeling better as quickly and as safely as possible.  We often work in conjunction with other health professionals to give a joined up approach to your care.

Chronic Injury Rehab

Long-term & niggling injuries are common & problematic, adversely affecting both work & play.  It can be something stopping you in your tracks or something that you try to ignore, but at times you just can’t!  We use movement analysis to see if we can improve your movement ability/skill as postural misalignments are often the root cause.  If so, we can create a plan to get you moving better, break the injury cycle & keep you injury free in the future.

Movement Coaching

People have long focussed on cardio and/or strength training, & some on flexibility.  All are important, but none more than movement.  Your ability to move well has a huge impact on sports performance & injury prevention.  Barring serious ill health, it impacts daily life the most if it diminishes too much in later years.  We can specifically do “movement coaching”, but it is an integral part of everything we do, no matter what you came to us for.